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How you can donate and help OUR Organization

Gift Giving is a Dynamic Part of Life for the Living Faith Spiritual Community


Living generously is a cornerstone of LFSC.  Since first coming together, the community has given creatively to families, individuals, and local organizations. Every year, LFSC has chosen one or more families to sponsor - financially, spiritually, and other ways to help them in their lives, such as household furnishings, clothing and toys.  People also donate time and energy to help families move, establish homes, receive medical care and guidance as they create new lives.  Whatever needs to be done, people from the community rally together to help. Although small, the community is committed to giving to people beyond its membership.  Regular collections of food and funds are given to the local food shelf, Intercongregation Communities Association (ICA).  School supplies, including special calculators, were collected for older students whose needs are sometimes overlooked. Being there for one another is important to this lively, growing community.  There is a shared commitment to supporting one another, to being sounding boards and caring, honest listeners when someone faces a challenge.  Everyone knows they can count on one another.  People have rallied trucks and strong arms to move furniture, visited at hospitals, house sat for pets, driven someone who had surgery, helped address an illness or life stress with Spiritual Healing, and helped a new child feel welcome at the center.  Anyone who enters the doors knows they have found a special place, one with a memorable feeling. Being a non-profit organization, donations are its only source of income to support the church, the church community and all the programs it offers.  If you are interested in donating to our programs, please click the Donate button on this page. Thank you for your support!

Spiritual Community 
NON-PROFIT 501 (C) (3)

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Office Located:

11300 Minnetonka Mills Road

Minnetonka, MN 55305

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Copyright  2019 Living Faith Spiritual Community 501(c)(3)

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